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Англо-русский морской словарь - railroad


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железнодорожный (амер.)

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См. в других словарях

  amer.  1. noun  1) железная дорога  2) attr. железнодорожный  2. v.  1) путешествовать по железной дороге  2) перевозить или посылать по железной дороге  3) строить железную дорогу  4) coll. ловко и быстро провернуть, протолкнуть; навязать своё мнение, решение; No voter may be railroaded into giving his vote for any particular person; he must be free to choose. Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians.  5) sl. засадить (в тюрьму, сумасшедший дом, по ложному обвинению и т.п.); ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ам. железная дорога railroad station —- железнодорожная станция, вокзал railroad rates —- железнодорожный тариф railroad yard —- сортировочная станция, станция формирования поездов 2. pl. бирж. железнодорожные акции; железнодорожные ценные бумаги 3. транспортировать по железной дороге 4. ездить по железной дороге; ехать поездом 5. строить железную дорогу, прокладывать рельсовый путь 6. работать на железной дороге; быть железнодорожником 7. разг. ловко провести или протолкнуть в спешном порядке (какое-л. дело); навязать свое мнение, решение he railroaded the motion through the committee —- он протащил резолюцию в комитете he was railroaded out of office —- его вынудили уйти со своего поста he was railroaded into buying them cakes and wine —- они его уговорили купить им пирожные и вино 8. сл. засадить (в тюрьму по ложному обвинению, в сумасшедший дом и т. п.); засудить to railroad to an insane asylum —- засадить в сумасшедший дом ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ.; см. railway железные дороги ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  железнодорожный, железная дорога electric traction on railroad — электрификация железных дорог railroad facilities and management — ж.-д. хозяйство железнодорожное - Baykal-Amur Railroad - access railroad - narrow-gauge railroad - railroad bed - railroad bridge - railroad ferry - railroad overpass - railroad slope - railroad station - railroad track - railroad traffic - railroad tunnel - single-track railroad - suburban railroad - transfer railroad ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  железная дорога access railroad class I railroad commuter railroad forest railroad narrow-gauge railroad tube railroad ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) железная дорога 2) амер. железнодорожная компания - access railroad - cable railroad - construction railroad - forest railroad - full-gage railroad - logging railroad - narrow-gage railroad - tube railroad ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. esp. US = RAILWAY. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to, into, through, etc.) rush or coerce (a person or thing) (railroaded me into going too). 2 send (a person) to prison by means of false evidence. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 1825 a permanent road having a line of rails fixed to ties and laid on a roadbed and providing a track for cars or equipment drawn by locomotives or propelled by self-contained motors; also such a road and its assets constituting a single property  II. verb  Date: 1877  transitive verb  1.  a. to convict with undue haste and by means of false charges or insufficient evidence  b. to push through hastily or without due consideration  2. to transport by ~  intransitive verb to work for a ~ company  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (railroads, railroading, railroaded) 1. A railroad is a route between two places along which trains travel on steel rails. (AM; in BRIT, use railway) ...railroad tracks that led to nowhere... N-COUNT 2. A railroad is a company or organization that operates railway routes. (AM; in BRIT, use railway) ...The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. N-COUNT 3. If you railroad someone into doing something, you make them do it although they do not really want to, by hurrying them and putting pressure on them. He more or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognising the new ‘independent’ states... He railroaded the reforms through. VERB: V n into n/-ing, V n through ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n AmE 1 a railway  (The supplies were sent on the railroad.) 2 the railroad all the work, equipment etc connected with a train system  (He had taken a job as a ticket agent on the railroad.) ~2 v to force or persuade someone do something without giving them enough time to think about it  (railroad sb into doing sth)  (The workers were railroaded into signing the agreement.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  {v.} To force through; push through by force. * /The bill was railroaded through the state legislature due to the influence of some very wealthy sponsors./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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